Saturday 16 July 2011

Scrabble anyone?

During last years car boot season I became obsessed with finding old scrabble sets.  I wasn't quite sure what I intended on doing with all the letters but I knew they were cool and I'd find a use eventually.  So over a year later and I've finally created a few funky box frames of scrabble art!
The first one I created was using the title of my blog.
I then went on to create a few personalised frames. I created one for my sister and one for my sister in law.  Each frame joins the word 'Family' and all the family members names.  It doesn't work with every family but for the two I choose it works very well.

 Above. My sister's family in scrabble art.
Above. My sister in law's family in scrabble art.

I've got a feeling my obsession with finding old scrabble sets will continue!


  1. Very cool concept Susie! I think you're onto a great idea here! Nice to see you're back into creative mood!

  2. Thanks Val! It took me a while but I might be on a role, almost finished my next bit of art for the wall this space ;o)

  3. Playing with this idea myself but would normal frames work or would you need deeper frames?

    Everything is explained step by step. I loved the examples used ��

    Very insightful…… I am enthralled by such eye opener, thanks and keep it up.
